Last update: November 1, 2020
Street Art in Thessaloniki gained much popularity and started to develop its own scene right after the “15th Biennale of Young Creators” that was hosted by the city in 2011. Today, Thessaloniki has a collection of several impressive street art murals that have become an integral part of the city. They are the work of both local and international artists and have changed the urban landscape of Thessaloniki in a way that cannot pass unnoticed.
In this post you can see the most popular and largest-in-scale street art murals of Thessaloniki in 15 pictures with all the relevant information about them such as their location, the name of their artists (with links to their web pages), and the year they were created.

Location: Ladadika > Google Maps

Location: Hippokration General Hospital > Google Maps

Location: Hippokration General Hospital > Google Maps

Location: Dimitriou Gounari Street > Google Maps

Location: Aristotle University Dorms > Google Maps

Location: Aristotle University Dorms > Google Maps

Location: AHEPA University Hospital > Google Maps

Location: Melenikou Street (Rotunda) > Google Maps

Location: ERT3 Building > Google Maps

Location: ERT3 Building > Google Maps

Location: Apellou Street > Google Maps

Location: Apellou Street > Google Maps

Location: Dimitriou Gounari Street > Google Maps

Location: Egnatias Street > Google Maps

Location: Olimpiados Street > Google Maps